The conference SMART2023 included four papers in the area of artificial intelligence in industry/manufacturing, with contributions of the Dept.'s Faculty Members, Dr. T. Theodosiou και Dr. E. Papageorgiou, and PhD Candidates Mr. T. Tziolas and Mrs. A. Feleki:
- An elevator calibration recommender system for effective defect detection and prevention by Full paper in MS11.1 - Smart manufacturing technologies,
- CenterNet-based models for the detection of defects in an industrial antenna assembly process by Full paper in MS11 - Smart manufacturing technologies.
- EfficientDet application for detection of incorrect assemblies in the antenna manufacturing process by Full paper in MS11.2 - Smart manufacturing technologies,
- Inspection of surface defects in metal processing industry using UNet-based architectures by Full paper in MS11 - Smart manufacturing technologies,
Mr. T. Tziolas presenting one of the papers and answering to audience questions.