Dept. of Energy Systems ♦ University of Thessaly • Gaiopolis Campus • Larissa •

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The Department of Energy Systems as an academic unit of the University of Thessaly has developed a clear quality policy and quality assurance culture. It aims at the systematic improvement of the quality indicators of all its units, administrative and academic, as well as in the development of an environment of motivation and incentives for excellence for students, teachers and administrators. This policy is in line with the strategic planning, the internal and external Department’s evaluation reports, the planning and reporting of the Department’s administration, and the decisions of the competent bodies. Finally, the quality policy is under continuous renewal and revision with the ultimate goal of improving its services to students, and its contribution to the promotion of science and research for the good of society. The quality policy is described in more detail below.

Declaration of Quality Policy

The mission of the Department of Energy Systems is to offer high quality education to its students and to promote knowledge and research in the field of Energy Systems. The Department of Energy Systems aims to promote knowledge and specialization with rules of ethics that will serve the needs of society, to shape an environment of academic freedom, to conduct high-level research, to ensure that the teaching staff has the highest possible level of teaching and research and to shape a culture of cooperation with educational and research institutions in Greece and abroad. The main goal of the Department of Energy Systems is the recognition of the Undergraduate Studies Programme and the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Studies Programme as high-quality educational programs, both at National and International level, within the next 2 years. In addition, another key goal of the Department of Energy Systems is the international recognition and acceptance of the research work performed in its premises and the top-quality of the doctoral dissertations it awards.

The Department of Energy Systems, fully in line with the general University policy, considers the need to develop ideas, culture and quality assurance policy in the institution as a central point of its policy. Quality assurance guarantees a safe roadmap for the identification and the achievement of the visions, the mission, the goals and the policy of the University. Through quality assurance, the Department meets its expectations and goals, but also its social role, as well as the needs of the society.

The Quality Assurance System of the Department, following the standards set by the University, aims to develop a culture of continuous quality improvement in the academic community, so that it can fulfill its goals through education, excellence, knowledge promotion and research innovation. It is a commitment to processes of improvement and rivalry rather than competition, to processes that will lead to decision making and increased self-confidence.

The Department of Energy Systems, striving for excellence, must provide students, teachers and administrators with opportunities to highlight their potential and success in all areas: studies, knowledge, career, etc. The Quality Assurance System is the 'noblest' way to motivation, effort and continuous improvement. The Department of Energy Systems is not just about teaching, learning, researching and servicing the community; it is about quality in teaching, learning, researching and servicing the community service.

The Quality assurance, through the proper evaluation of the performance of the Department, leads to the formulation of documented suggestions for taking measures, for the establishment or improvement of institutions and for the formulation of directions and strategies for quality improvement of the educational, research and administrative operation. Part of the quality assurance procedures is the evaluation of the Department according to the standards set by the University of Thessaly as a whole. Evaluation is an ongoing and participatory process. Through the evaluation process the Department of Energy Systems, as an integral part of the University of Thessaly, establishes an overview on the quality of the work performed, based on academic criteria that are objectively quantified with general acceptance indicators.