Dept. of Energy Systems ♦ University of Thessaly • Gaiopolis Campus • Larissa •

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OPTIMAI Kick-off Meeting
3-4 Feb 2021

 Principal Investigator: Dr. Elpiniki Papageorgiou
Dept. of Energy Systems, Univerisity of Thessaly


The Kick-off meeting of the European Project OPTIMAI took place on 3-4 Feb 2021. The Dept. of Energy Systems of University of Thessaly is a key partner and has a very active role with particapation of two faculty members: Dr Elpiniki Papageorgiou, Assoc. Professor and Principal Invastigator in the project, & Dr. Theodosis Theodosiou, Asst. Professor. The meeting addressed issues like: actions and task assignements, partner synergies, prospects to tranfer knowledge to the local production forces and society, etc.

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OPTIMAI: Optimizing Manufacturing Processes through Artificial Intelligence and Virtualization, Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the EU under GA No. 958264, Call: H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2020-singlestage, (TRANSFORMING EUROPEAN INDUSTRY), Topic: DT-FOF-11-2020.


OPTIMAI aims to create an innovative ecosystem, that focuses on the optimization of manufacturing through the systematic use of AI technologiew. Its ultimate goal is the development of an intelligent zero-defect production line. AI technologies will continuously monitor the quality of products along the production line, and will trigger alarms and engage corrective procedures. The use of virtual and augmentive reality, the very same production line will guide technicians to repair faults. Digital twins will enable investigation of alternative approaches in the manufacturing process.

The envisioned goals will be accomplised by designing a synergistic network of heterogenous sensors, enhanced with edge technologies for the rapid collection, transmission and processing of data in-situ. The sensor network and the generated data will be managed by specialty software, specifically designed to ensure efficient and secure operation.

The Dept. of Energy Systems (UTH) is a key partners and will work on tasks dealing with the development of AI algorithms, computer vision, quality control and zero-defect manufacturing.


For more information please contact Dr. Elpiniki Papageorgiou, Assoc. Professor, Principal Investigator