Dept. of Energy Systems ♦ University of Thessaly • Gaiopolis Campus • Larissa •

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SMART2023 has been successfuly concluded.

Our Faculty Members Dr. Theodosis Theodosiou and Dr. Elpiniki Papageorgiou organized a mini symposium titled "Smart Manufacturing Technologies". The mini symposium attracted many scientists, and due to the large ammounts of papers to be presented, it was split in two sessions. Both sessions were chaired by Dr. Theodosiou and co-chaired by Dr. G. Margietis (ICS-FORTH).

Great interest was expressed. Our partners gave interviews, where they described the work and activities, targeting the developement of new colaborations in research and technology.


 SMART2023 optimai partners
Partners of our Dept. participating in SMART2023 
Left to right: L. Leontaris, T. Tziolas, C. Valero, F. Sabbarese, G. Margietis, T. Theodosiou, L. Henriksson, D. Fitzpatrick.